Some of the most precious moments of my life were spent in silence. My earliest child hood memory was a night when I was 3 years old. My father tip toed into my room at 2 am and woke me up. He asked me to come outside, he had something to show me. Without saying a word I followed him out, and then he pointed to the heavens. It was the clearest night sky I have ever seen. Filled with shooting stars, fireflies and flashes of lightning, I sat there in awe of the world that surrounded me. Everything so perfect, everything so peaceful. And then I looked up as my dad glanced over at me. Not a word was spoken, but his love for me in that moment was radiant.
One of my biggest struggles as a Christian is keeping my quiet time with God consistent. To be honest with you, I don't know that I even have quiet time with the Lord. I talk to him all day long in my prayers, but I never find myself patiently waiting to hear that small, still voice. I ask so many questions and never hear the answer, because I don't give him the opportunity to reveal the truth.
I'm so blessed that God is patient. He is nothing like my 1st grade teacher that wouldn't answer a question that had been asked more than once because you should have listened the first time.
Lord I am so thankful for the love that you have for me. I thank you for allowing me to lean on you whenever I need. I thank you for giving me the thoughts of your heart, and I ask that through my Silence you will Speak Volumes.
Addiction Treatment Pittsburgh Pa
6 years ago
Man girl! You should write a book. I think you might be the best blogger out of all of us. I love reading your stuff because it is so beautifully written but I also know it is heartfelt. I want you to know my biggest struggle in my spiritual life is quiet time with the Lord and even prayer. Sometimes I wonder if I am ever going to get there with that part of my walk.
I love learning these things about your past too. Knowing someone for so long, you think you know everything but then past moments like these reveal themselves and it feels like another piece of the puzzle in the friendship. You are awesome and I love you more than you will ever know too. Thanks for the comment on my relationships blog, somehow I felt that I just read it for the first time tonight but as kept reading I thought ive read this already but it was like new again.Does that even make sense? Love you !
Beautiful... just like you.
I agree with Amanda. Rheagan, you should write a book! Beautiful story...and convicting. I definitely do not spend as much time in silence with the Lord as I should. But taking your post to heart, I'm going to go out on my front porch, do some star gazing, and really listen to God.
You guys are so sweet. I love the idea of writing now because its like an open journal (that I never have kept) and somehow with your thoughts down on paper it helps them to make since.
Rheagan, you do write beautifully! You are so awesome! What a blessing it was to gain your friendship through a missions trip meant to give something to other people!
Oh and BTW, I miss our long talks about the books we are reading...that never end up being about the book. We need one on one girl time soon :)
That actually gave me chills.
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